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× chrome stackable visitor chairs chrome stackable visitor chairs KSh 4,500.00
KSh 4,500.00
× Executive highback office chair, office furniture, office chairs, executive office chairs,high back chairs, swivel chairs, office desk, waiting chair, chairs, seats Executive highback office chair KSh 16,500.00
KSh 16,500.00
× 0.9m Office Desk, 900mm Office desk with drawers, office desks in Kenya, Executive office desks 0.9m Office Desk KSh 7,500.00
KSh 7,500.00
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with lift system, electric standing desk with memory settings, motorized desk with height adjustment, electric adjustable desk with programmable settings, height adjustable desk with electric motor, sit-stand desk with programmable height, electric lift sit-stand desk, motorized standing desk with memory, height adjustable desk with programmable settings, electric height adjustable standing desk, ergonomic electric height adjustable desk, electric standing desk with programmable lift, height adjustable electric desk with memory settings, motorized sit-stand workstation, adjustable electric desk with memory settings, electric sit-stand desk with height adjustment, motorized desk with programmable lift, height adjustable desk with sit-stand functionality, electric desk with adjustable lift system, motorized height adjustable sit-stand desk, height adjustable electric sit-stand workstation, electric height adjustable desk with programmable lift, electric adjustable standing workstation, 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adjustable height and memory, motorized sit-stand workstation with height adjustment, electric height adjustable desk with programmable settings, height adjustable electric desk for office, electric adjustable standing desk with memory, motorized height adjustable desk with lift system, height adjustable electric desk for ergonomic workstations, electric standing desk with adjustable lift system, height adjustable desk with electric motor and memory, electric sit-stand desk with lift system, motorized desk with programmable height, electric height adjustable desk for home office, ergonomic adjustable electric desk with memory, height adjustable desk with programmable height settings, electric lift standing workstation, motorized sit-stand desk with programmable settings, electric height adjustable desk for productivity, height adjustable desk with electric lift and memory, electric standing desk for ergonomic work, adjustable electric desk for home office, height adjustable electric desk with programmable height, electric sit-stand desk for office, motorized adjustable desk for ergonomic workstations, height adjustable desk with electric lift system, electric height adjustable workstation with memory, ergonomic electric desk with programmable lift, height adjustable desk for office use, electric sit-stand desk for ergonomic workspaces, motorized height adjustable desk for productivity, height adjustable electric desk for standing work, electric lift desk with programmable height, motorized standing desk with adjustable lift, electric height adjustable desk for workstations, height adjustable electric desk with programmable height settings, ergonomic desk with electric lift system, electric sit-stand desk with memory and lift, motorized sit-stand desk with programmable height, electric height adjustable standing workstation, height adjustable desk with electric lift and programmable settings, electric desk with adjustable height and programmable memory, motorized 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height adjustable electric desk for work and productivity. Height adjustable electric desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
× Electric height adjustable standing desk, standing desk, electric standing desk, height adjustable desk, adjustable standing desk, sit-stand desk, electric sit-stand desk, ergonomic desk, adjustable height desk, motorized standing desk, electric adjustable desk, sit-to-stand desk, office standing desk, height adjustable standing desk, electric height desk, motorized desk, electric sit to stand desk, electric height adjustable desk, standing desk with memory settings, height adjustable sit-stand desk, electric lift desk, adjustable desk, electric standing workstation, standing desk with adjustable height, electric height adjustable workstation, ergonomic standing desk, adjustable sit-stand desk, motorized height adjustable desk, electric desk with memory presets, standing desk for office, electric adjustable height desk, electric desk with lift, height adjustable desk for office, electric desk with memory, sit-stand workstation, electric sit-stand workstation, motorized sit-stand 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electric adjustable desk with memory settings, office desk with adjustable height, electric motorized standing desk, ergonomic standing workstation, height adjustable desk for work, height adjustable desk with programmable settings, electric standing desk with lift, electric desk with height adjustment, adjustable desk for home office, motorized standing desk with memory, electric height adjustable desk for productivity, standing desk with electric motor, height adjustable desk for sitting and standing, electric height adjustable desk for office use, electric standing desk with memory presets, electric height desk with programmable settings, electric sit-stand workstation with presets, electric desk with adjustable lift, adjustable standing desk for office, electric adjustable standing workstation, height adjustable desk for ergonomic work, motorized height adjustable desk with memory settings, electric standing desk for ergonomic work, height adjustable desk for healthy work, electric height adjustable desk for sitting and standing, electric height adjustable desk with programmable presets, standing desk with height adjustment, electric adjustable standing desk with memory settings, electric height adjustable desk with programmable height settings, adjustable height standing desk for productivity, electric height adjustable desk with presets for office, height adjustable desk with electric lift and memory, motorized height adjustable desk for productivity, electric standing desk for healthy work, height adjustable desk with electric motor, electric desk with sit-stand presets, adjustable standing desk for healthy work, height adjustable desk with electric presets, electric height adjustable workstation with memory, motorized standing desk for ergonomic work, adjustable height desk for sitting and standing, electric adjustable standing desk for home office, motorized height desk with presets, electric adjustable desk for sitting and standing, electric standing desk with programmable presets, electric height adjustable workstation for home office, adjustable height desk for work, electric standing desk for home office use, height adjustable standing desk with electric lift and memory settings, electric height adjustable desk with programmable lift, adjustable standing desk for healthy work habits, motorized standing desk with programmable presets, height adjustable desk with memory presets for office, electric adjustable desk with programmable presets, electric standing workstation with memory settings, adjustable height desk with electric motor and memory, height adjustable standing desk with lift and presets, motorized height adjustable standing desk for home office, electric desk for sitting and standing with memory settings, height adjustable desk for home office productivity, adjustable height desk with programmable presets for office, electric height adjustable desk with memory settings for productivity, standing desk with electric motor and presets, adjustable height desk with lift and programmable presets, height adjustable desk with electric motor and programmable settings, electric height adjustable desk for healthy work habits, height adjustable standing workstation with electric lift, motorized height adjustable desk with programmable settings, height adjustable desk for ergonomic productivity, electric desk for standing and sitting with memory settings, electric adjustable desk for ergonomic work habits, height adjustable desk for work productivity, motorized standing desk for home office productivity, adjustable height desk with electric motor and programmable presets, height adjustable desk with lift and programmable settings, electric height adjustable desk for sitting and standing at work, standing desk with electric motor and programmable presets, adjustable height desk for ergonomic work habits, electric height adjustable desk with memory and programmable presets, height adjustable desk with lift and programmable height settings, electric height adjustable desk for work and home office, standing desk with electric motor and programmable height settings, height adjustable standing desk for ergonomic productivity, electric adjustable standing desk with memory presets for office use, motorized height adjustable standing desk with programmable presets, adjustable height desk with electric motor for work productivity. Adjustable Height Electric Standing Desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
× Black height adjustable electric desk, electric standing desk, height adjustable desk, black desk, adjustable office desk, electric sit stand desk, motorized standing desk, ergonomic desk, adjustable height desk, electric office desk, sit stand desk, standing desk converter, electric standing workstation, motorized desk, height adjustable workstation, electric adjustable desk, electric height adjustable desk, motorized standing workstation, electric standing office desk, adjustable computer desk, black standing desk, electronic standing desk, adjustable height office desk, electric lift desk, motorized sit stand desk, electric height adjustable standing desk, black adjustable desk, electric adjustable standing desk, electric standing computer desk, height adjustable computer desk, electric lift standing desk, black sit stand desk, electronic height adjustable desk, adjustable standing workstation, electric height adjustable office desk, electric height adjustable computer desk, 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adjustable standing desk, black electric height adjustable standing office desk, black electronic height adjustable standing desk, black electric sit to stand computer desk, black electric sit to stand office desk, black electric lift standing workstation, black electronic sit to stand office desk, black electronic lift standing desk, black electric motorized standing workstation, black electronic adjustable height office desk, black electric motorized sit stand desk, black electronic height adjustable computer desk, black electric motorized height adjustable standing desk, black electronic sit to stand computer desk, black electronic adjustable standing workstation, black electric motorized adjustable standing desk, black electronic standing computer desk, black electric motorized sit stand desk, black electronic height adjustable standing office desk, black electric motorized height adjustable office desk, black electronic sit to stand computer desk, black electronic adjustable height computer desk, black electric motorized adjustable height desk, black electronic sit to stand office desk, black electronic adjustable height standing desk, black electric motorized sit to stand desk, black electronic height adjustable standing computer desk, black electric motorized height adjustable computer desk, black electronic sit to stand office computer desk, black electronic adjustable height sit stand desk, black electric motorized sit to stand office desk, black electronic height adjustable sit stand desk, black electric motorized height adjustable office computer desk, black electronic sit to stand office workstation, black electronic adjustable height sit stand office desk, black electric motorized sit to stand office computer desk, black electronic height adjustable sit stand office desk, black electric motorized height adjustable sit stand desk, black electronic sit to stand office computer workstation, black electronic adjustable height sit stand office computer desk, black electric motorized sit to stand office computer workstation, black electronic height adjustable sit stand office computer desk. Black Height adjustable electric desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
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desk for office, motorized sit-stand desk, electric desk with memory settings, adjustable height electric desk, motorized desk, electric height adjustable standing desk, adjustable sit-stand desk, electric standing office desk, motorized height desk, adjustable standing desk, electric desk for workspace, height adjustable electric standing desk, motorized adjustable height desk, electric desk with height memory, sit-stand electric table, electric workstation, height adjustable motorized desk, motorized adjustable workstation, electric desk with programmable height, ergonomic height adjustable desk, electric sit-stand desk for office, adjustable electric desk for home office, motorized office desk, height adjustable electric table, electric sit-stand desk for workspace, motorized standing table, electric sit-stand desk for home office, adjustable electric standing desk, electric height adjustable workstation, sit-stand desk, motorized height adjustable office desk, electric adjustable desk for office, adjustable height electric table, electric sit-stand desk with memory, motorized height adjustable table, electric desk for standing, adjustable desk, electric desk with programmable settings, motorized desk for office, height adjustable workstation, electric height adjustable office desk, motorized height desk for office, adjustable standing desk for office, electric adjustable height workstation, motorized desk with memory, electric desk with programmable heights, height adjustable electric desk for office, sit-stand electric desk with memory, motorized desk for home office, electric height adjustable desk for home, adjustable desk for standing, electric sit-stand desk for office use, motorized sit-stand office desk, electric desk for height adjustment, height adjustable desk with memory, motorized standing desk for office, electric adjustable standing workstation, height adjustable desk with programmable settings, motorized desk for standing, electric sit-stand desk with programmable heights, motorized desk for height adjustment, electric height adjustable desk for workspace, adjustable sit-stand desk for office, motorized adjustable desk for home office, electric desk for ergonomic workspace, height adjustable sit-stand desk, motorized desk with height memory, electric standing desk with programmable settings, height adjustable desk for home office, motorized desk for sit-stand, electric adjustable desk for workspace, adjustable height standing desk, electric height adjustable desk with memory, motorized desk for ergonomic use, electric desk for office use, height adjustable desk for ergonomic work, motorized desk for standing and sitting, electric height adjustable desk with programmable heights, sit-stand electric desk for ergonomic use, motorized adjustable desk for workspace, electric height adjustable table for office, adjustable electric workstation for home office, motorized desk for ergonomic workspace, electric desk with adjustable heights, height adjustable sit-stand workstation, motorized desk for office and home, electric height adjustable desk for ergonomic use, adjustable height desk for ergonomic workspace, motorized desk for office work, electric height adjustable desk for productivity, sit-stand desk with adjustable heights, motorized height adjustable workstation, electric desk for productive workspace, height adjustable desk for office productivity, motorized desk for productive work, electric height adjustable desk for efficiency, adjustable height electric desk for productivity, motorized desk for efficient work, electric desk for efficient workspace, height adjustable desk for efficient work, motorized height adjustable desk for efficiency, electric sit-stand desk for efficient work, motorized desk for productive workspace, electric height adjustable desk for home productivity, adjustable height desk for home efficiency, motorized desk for home productivity, electric desk for efficient home work, height adjustable desk for productive home workspace, motorized height adjustable desk for home efficiency, electric sit-stand desk for productive home workspace, motorized desk for efficient home workspace, electric height adjustable desk for home efficiency, adjustable height desk for home productivity, motorized desk for home efficient workspace, electric desk for productive work at home, height adjustable desk for home productive work, motorized height adjustable desk for home work, electric sit-stand desk for home efficient work, motorized desk for home efficient work, electric height adjustable desk for work at home, adjustable height desk for home efficient work, motorized desk for home productivity work, electric desk for efficient work at home, height adjustable desk for productive work at home, motorized height adjustable desk for work at home, electric sit-stand desk for productive work at home, motorized desk for efficient work at home, electric height adjustable desk for productive home office, adjustable height desk for efficient work at home, motorized desk for efficient home office, electric desk for home efficient work, height adjustable desk for home work, motorized height adjustable desk for productive home office, electric sit-stand desk for efficient home office, motorized desk for efficient work, electric height adjustable desk for home office productivity, adjustable height desk for productive home office, motorized desk for productive home office, electric desk for productive home work, height adjustable desk for efficient home work, motorized height adjustable desk for home work productivity, electric sit-stand desk for home office efficiency, motorized desk for home work efficiency, electric height adjustable desk for home office efficiency, adjustable height desk for home office work, motorized desk for home office work productivity, electric desk for home office work efficiency, height adjustable desk for home office work, motorized height adjustable desk for home office work efficiency, electric sit-stand desk for home office productivity, motorized desk for home office productivity, electric height adjustable desk for home work efficiency, adjustable height desk for home work efficiency, motorized desk for home work productivity, electric desk for home work productivity, height adjustable desk for productive home work, motorized height adjustable desk for efficient home work, electric sit-stand desk for efficient home work, motorized desk for productive home workspace, electric height adjustable desk for efficient work, adjustable height desk for productive home workspace, motorized desk for home work efficiency, electric desk for home efficient workspace, height adjustable desk for productive workspace, motorized height adjustable desk for productive workspace, electric sit-stand desk for productive workspace, motorized desk for efficient workspace, electric height adjustable desk for efficient workspace, adjustable height desk for efficient workspace, motorized desk for home work efficiency, height adjustable electric desk with USB ports, adjustable height desk with cable management, electric standing desk with power outlets, ergonomic adjustable electric desk, motorized desk with programmable presets, adjustable height desk with anti-collision system, electric sit-stand desk with wireless charging, motorized height adjustable desk with storage drawers, electric standing desk with memory controller, adjustable electric desk with built-in power strip, motorized desk with touch screen control, height adjustable desk with digital display, electric sit-stand desk with desk organizer, motorized desk with under-desk storage, adjustable height desk with integrated lighting, electric standing desk with dual motors, motorized desk with height indicators, adjustable height desk with CPU holder, electric sit-stand desk with voice control, motorized height adjustable desk with casters, electric standing desk with foldable design, adjustable electric desk with corner configuration, motorized desk with eco-friendly materials, height adjustable desk with health monitoring, electric sit-stand desk with AI features, motorized height adjustable desk with wireless connectivity, electric standing desk with integrated speakers, adjustable height desk with smart home integration, motorized desk with customizable surface, height adjustable desk with seamless lifting, electric sit-stand desk with built-in fan, motorized desk with sound absorption panels, adjustable height desk with personal assistant, electric standing desk with energy-saving mode, motorized height adjustable desk with modular design, electric sit-stand desk with ergonomic keyboard tray, motorized desk with adjustable monitor arm, height adjustable desk with posture reminders, electric standing desk with fitness tracking, adjustable height desk with customizable legs, motorized desk with hydration alert, electric sit-stand desk with flexible cable routing, motorized height adjustable desk with privacy panel, electric standing desk with dual work surfaces, adjustable height desk with curved edge, motorized desk with integrated footrest, height adjustable desk with enhanced stability, electric sit-stand desk with split top, motorized height adjustable desk with multi-function controls, electric standing desk with noise reduction, adjustable height desk with height lock feature, motorized desk with advanced lifting mechanism, height adjustable desk with adjustable keyboard platform, electric sit-stand desk with precision adjustment, motorized height adjustable desk with integrated sensors, electric standing desk with mobile app control, adjustable height desk with enhanced ergonomics, motorized desk with reinforced frame, height adjustable desk with quick adjust feature, electric sit-stand desk with productivity tools, motorized height adjustable desk with health benefits, electric standing desk with versatile workspace, adjustable height desk with premium finish, motorized desk with seamless operation, height adjustable desk with flexible workspace, electric sit-stand desk with practical design, motorized height adjustable desk with innovative technology, electric standing desk with minimalist design, adjustable height desk with superior craftsmanship, motorized desk with enhanced durability, height adjustable desk with multiple configurations, electric sit-stand desk with elegant design, motorized height adjustable desk with sophisticated features, electric standing desk with efficient design, adjustable height desk with modern aesthetic, motorized desk with exceptional performance, height adjustable desk with optimal functionality, electric sit-stand desk with thoughtful engineering, motorized height adjustable desk with professional design, electric standing desk with premium materials, adjustable height desk with high-end design, motorized desk with luxury finish, height adjustable Height adjustable electric desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
× Best sellers in office furniture designs, affordable imported office tables 1.4m executive office desk KSh 22,500.00
KSh 22,500.00
× Discover the widest range of office chairs in Kenya that meet superior quality and affordable prices. We have various designs, colors, functionalities. Captain Mesh office seat KSh 12,500.00
KSh 12,500.00

Cart totals

Subtotal KSh 191,500.00

Shipping to Nairobi County.

Total KSh 191,500.00

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