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× affordable office seats in Kenya for sale, secretarial mesh office chair, cheap office chairs in Kenya, office furniture, mesh office chair with swivel Clerical Mesh Office Chair KSh 6,500.00
KSh 6,500.00
× office chair prices in Kenya Executive office leather seat KSh 16,500.00
KSh 49,500.00
× Strong Mesh Office Chair, Durable Construction, High-Quality Materials, Ergonomic Design, Premium Seating, Reliable Office Furniture, Sturdy Mesh Back, Comfortable Seating, Professional Workspace, Modern Office Decor, Sleek Design, Long-lasting Durability, Efficient Office Seating, Supportive Mesh Backrest, Heavy-Duty Office Chair, Stable Base, Enhanced Comfort, Resilient Office Seating, Strong Frame, Superior Mesh Material, Robust Office Chair, Dependable Ergonomics, Executive Comfort, Tough Office Chair, Reliable Support, Enduring Quality, Mesh Back Support, Heavy-Duty Design, Reinforced Structure, Resilient Mesh, Reliable Performance, Durable Office Seating, High-Strength Mesh, Sturdy Office Furniture, Firm Support, Strong Office Chair Design, Rugged Mesh Chair, Solid Build, Stalwart Office Seating, Steady Support, Long-lasting Mesh Chair, High-Performance Seating, Firm Ergonomics, Reliable Seating Solution, Solid Office Chair Construction, Robust Ergonomic Chair, Stable Mesh Office Chair. Strong mesh office chair KSh 8,500.00
KSh 8,500.00
× filling cabinet 2-Door steel cabinet KSh 24,500.00
KSh 24,500.00
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height adjustable electric desk for work and productivity. Height adjustable electric desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 64,000.00
× black 3 link Heavy duty padded bench, office furniture, office bench, waiting bench, visitor chair, office waiting bench, office chair, office seat ,black 3 link Heavy duty padded bench 3 link Heavy duty padded bench KSh 23,500.00
KSh 47,000.00
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office chair with adjustable lumbar support, orthopedic chair for ergonomic comfort, ergonomic chair for ergonomic comfort, orthopedic desk chair with ergonomic comfort, ergonomic desk chair with ergonomic comfort, orthopedic office seating with adjustable lumbar, ergonomic office seating with adjustable lumbar, orthopedic office seating for ergonomic health, ergonomic office seating for ergonomic health, orthopedic chair with ergonomic lumbar adjustment, ergonomic chair with ergonomic lumbar adjustment, orthopedic office chair with adjustable lumbar and headrest, ergonomic office chair with adjustable lumbar and headrest, orthopedic chair for ergonomic health, ergonomic chair for ergonomic health, orthopedic desk chair for spine support, ergonomic desk chair for spine support, orthopedic office seating with lumbar adjustment, ergonomic office seating with lumbar adjustment, orthopedic office chair with spine health, ergonomic office chair with spine health, orthopedic desk chair with adjustable lumbar and headrest, ergonomic desk chair with adjustable lumbar and headrest, orthopedic office chair with ergonomic comfort, ergonomic office chair with ergonomic comfort, orthopedic office seating for back support, ergonomic office seating for back support, orthopedic desk chair with ergonomic lumbar and headrest, ergonomic desk chair with ergonomic lumbar and headrest, orthopedic chair with ergonomic headrest and lumbar, ergonomic chair with ergonomic headrest and lumbar, orthopedic office chair with spine alignment, ergonomic office chair with spine alignment, orthopedic office chair with ergonomic lumbar and headrest, ergonomic office chair with ergonomic lumbar and headrest, orthopedic desk chair with ergonomic spine support, ergonomic desk chair with ergonomic spine support, orthopedic chair for ergonomic posture, ergonomic chair for ergonomic posture, orthopedic desk chair with lumbar and spine health, ergonomic desk chair with lumbar and spine health. Ergonomic orthopedic desk chair KSh 12,500.00
KSh 12,500.00
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Adjustable Leather Counter Barstools KSh 9,500.00
KSh 9,500.00
× office chair prices in Kenya Executive (Swivel) waiting seat KSh 16,500.00
KSh 33,000.00
× three link padded bench Heavy-duty padded bench KSh 23,500.00
KSh 23,500.00
× Executive Desk, Office Furniture, 1400mm Desk, Workspace Solutions, Modern Office, Executive Workspace, Professional Furniture, Contemporary Design, Business Desk, Office Essentials, Ergonomic Desk, Corporate Furniture, Workstation, Managerial Desk, Office Decor, Stylish Workspace, Productivity, Commercial Furniture, Executive Office, Office Style, Efficient Workspace, Manager's Desk, Business Solutions, Work Surface, Executive Suite, High-Quality Desk, Task Management, Office Organization, Work Efficiency, Ergonomic Design, Corporate Style, Office Setup, Workspace Enhancement, Executive Furniture, Business Productivity, Office Innovation, Contemporary Office, Professional Workspace, Office Equipment, Premium Desk, Managerial Workspace, Sleek Design, Executive Space, Office Efficiency, Executive Suite, Modern Design, Business Environment, Executive Solutions, Functional Furniture, Office Elegance, Task Optimization, Workstation Setup, Ergonomic Comfort, Business Excellence, Premium Workspace, Managerial Excellence, Executive Presence, Work Environment, Office Sophistication, Professional Appearance, Executive Productivity, Workspace Transformation, Executive Presence, Corporate Excellence, Modern Elegance, Task Efficiency, Business Success, Office Elegance, Premium Quality Desk, Executive Comfort, Contemporary Style, Office Aesthetics, Business Focus, Executive Ergonomics, Workspace Sophistication, Professional Style, Modern Office Solutions, Task Performance, Managerial Excellence, Office Prestige, Business Innovation, Executive Functionality, High-End Desk, Office Elegance, Contemporary Workspace, Premium Office Desk, Executive Productivity, Business Efficiency, Task Management, Sleek Office Design, 1400mm Managerial Desk, Executive Work Surface. 1200mm executive office desk KSh 20,500.00
KSh 20,500.00
× Wooden Bookshelf, 4-Tier, Book Storage, Office Furniture, Modern Design, Stylish Shelving, Durable Wood Construction, Home Library, Decorative Bookcase, Organizer, Space-Saving Book Storage, Premium Wooden Shelf, Contemporary Design, Home Office, Efficient Storage Solution, Decorative Shelving, Display Rack, Book Organization, Office Decor, Wooden Book Display, Living Room Furniture, Compact Book Storage, Home Workspace, Classy Bookshelf, Elegant Storage, Study Room, Wooden Furniture, Office Essentials, Decorative Home Storage, Book Collection, Home Decor, Book Display Stand, Stylish Office Furniture, Living Room Decor, 4-Layer Book Rack, Functional Design, Wooden Book Storage, Home Office Upgrade. 4-Tier wooden book shelf KSh 12,500.00
KSh 12,500.00
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Eames Padded Dining Chair KSh 6,800.00
KSh 6,800.00
× Best sellers in office furniture designs, affordable imported office tables,1.4m Executive Office Desk 1.4m Executive Office Desk KSh 24,500.00
KSh 49,000.00
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Subtotal KSh 535,800.00

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Total KSh 535,800.00

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Regards: OB Brian