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ร— Foldable Table Round office table,Office furniture in kenya, office furniture. Foldable Table Round office table KSh 19,500.00
KSh 19,500.00
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storage, steel storage solution, office filing drawers, 3-drawer office storage solution, metal office cabinet unit, office storage drawers, steel file storage unit, secure office storage solution, heavy-duty office cabinet solution, office document organizer solution, lockable office filing cabinet, office filing system furniture, metal office storage unit with lock, durable office file solution, metal document storage solution, three-drawer storage solution, office metal storage unit, secure office organizer, office filing cabinet with lock, metal drawer storage unit, steel office filing solution, heavy-duty storage cabinet, office document organizer unit, metal file cabinet storage, secure office filing unit, durable metal storage unit, office file organization solution, metal storage solution, three-drawer office filing solution, office filing furniture solution, office storage unit with lock, steel document organizer, secure storage furniture, office metal cabinet solution, lockable office filing unit, steel storage drawers, office organization unit, 3-drawer filing cabinet with lock, office metal filing solution, durable office storage unit, office filing and organization, office storage drawers unit, metal cabinet storage solution, office security storage, metal filing storage unit, secure document organizer, office metal file drawers, three-drawer document storage, metal filing cabinet solution, steel document storage unit, heavy-duty metal storage solution, office document file storage, office filing cabinet solution, lockable filing solution, secure metal storage unit, steel office organizer solution, durable filing cabinet solution, metal office storage cabinet unit, three-drawer office storage unit, office file storage solution, secure office file organizer, office filing cabinet with lock solution, steel filing drawers solution, office document organization solution, office filing unit with lock, durable metal organizer solution, secure document storage solution, office metal file cabinet solution, 3-drawer document storage unit, metal office storage cabinet with lock, steel storage cabinet unit, office document filing solution, heavy-duty office organizer solution, office document storage unit solution, metal storage unit solution, office file cabinet with lock, steel office cabinet solution, secure office file storage unit, durable office storage drawers solution, metal storage cabinet solution, office document cabinet solution, three-drawer storage unit solution, office metal organizer unit, secure metal filing cabinet unit, office storage cabinet unit solution, steel office storage cabinet with lock. 3-Drawers Metallic Office Cabinet KSh 18,500.00
KSh 18,500.00
ร— 1200mm height adjustable electric desk, electric height adjustable desk 1200mm, 1200mm electric standing desk, height adjustable desk 1200mm, 1200mm electric sit-stand desk, 1200mm adjustable height desk, electric standing desk 1200mm, 1200mm motorized desk, adjustable electric desk 1200mm, 1200mm sit-stand desk, 1200mm adjustable desk, motorized height adjustable desk 1200mm, 1200mm electric adjustable desk, 1200mm height adjustable workstation, 1200mm motorized standing desk, 1200mm sit-stand workstation, electric desk 1200mm, 1200mm electric desk, height adjustable electric desk 1200mm, electric height adjustable workstation 1200mm, 1200mm adjustable office desk, 1200mm electric height desk, motorized sit-stand desk 1200mm, 1200mm standing desk electric, 1200mm adjustable standing desk, 1200mm electric work desk, 1200mm height desk adjustable electric, 1200mm electric sit-stand workstation, height adjustable electric desk, motorized adjustable desk 1200mm, 1200mm adjustable desk 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height, 1200mm height adjustable sit-stand electric desk, height adjustable desk 1200mm electric, 1200mm adjustable height sit-stand desk electric, electric motorized standing desk 1200mm, height adjustable workstation electric 1200mm, 1200mm height adjustable electric standing workstation, 1200mm electric desk motorized height adjustable, electric adjustable motorized desk 1200mm, 1200mm electric standing desk height adjustable, electric height adjustable motorized standing desk 1200mm, 1200mm motorized height adjustable standing desk, height adjustable electric workstation 1200mm, 1200mm motorized electric desk with height adjustment, 1200mm electric adjustable height standing desk, motorized standing desk height adjustable 1200mm, electric sit-stand desk height adjustable 1200mm, 1200mm height adjustable motorized electric desk, 1200mm motorized height adjustable electric desk, 1200mm adjustable motorized height desk, electric standing height adjustable workstation 1200mm, height adjustable electric motorized standing desk 1200mm, 1200mm electric adjustable height sit-stand desk, electric desk with adjustable height 1200mm, 1200mm adjustable height electric motorized desk, height adjustable standing desk motorized 1200mm, 1200mm motorized standing desk adjustable height, height adjustable electric motorized work desk 1200mm, 1200mm height adjustable motorized standing workstation, 1200mm electric motorized height adjustable standing desk, 1200mm electric motorized adjustable height workstation, 1200mm motorized height adjustable electric standing desk, 1200mm height adjustable electric standing table, height adjustable electric sit-stand workstation 1200mm, 1200mm height adjustable standing workstation electric, 1200mm electric height adjustable motorized desk, 1200mm adjustable height electric sit-stand workstation, electric motorized height adjustable standing desk 1200mm, height adjustable electric motorized workstation 1200mm, motorized desk with height adjustment 1200mm, 1200mm electric height adjustable desk motorized, 1200mm height adjustable electric desk with motorized lift, 1200mm motorized height adjustable electric table, height adjustable electric desk with motor 1200mm, 1200mm electric desk with motorized height adjustment, electric sit-stand workstation adjustable height 1200mm, 1200mm adjustable height electric standing table, 1200mm motorized electric height adjustable table, electric standing desk with height adjustment 1200mm, 1200mm motorized electric adjustable height desk, height adjustable desk with motor 1200mm, 1200mm electric adjustable height desk motorized, 1200mm electric height adjustable desk with motorized lift, 1200mm motorized desk with adjustable height, 1200mm height adjustable desk with electric motor, electric adjustable height workstation 1200mm, 1200mm height adjustable desk motorized electric, motorized electric adjustable height standing desk 1200mm, 1200mm adjustable height desk with electric motor, 1200mm motorized electric height adjustable standing workstation, electric height adjustable workstation motorized 1200mm, height adjustable motorized electric standing desk 1200mm, 1200mm motorized height adjustable electric work desk, height adjustable motorized electric standing table 1200mm, 1200mm electric adjustable height motorized desk, electric adjustable height standing desk motorized 1200mm, height adjustable electric desk with motor lift 1200mm, 1200mm motorized height adjustable sit-stand desk, motorized height adjustable electric standing desk 1200mm, motorized desk with height adjustable electric lift 1200mm, electric adjustable height standing desk with motor 1200mm, 1200mm height adjustable electric workstation with motor 1200mm Height Adjustable Electric Desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00

Cart totals

Subtotal KSh 70,000.00

Shipping to Nairobi County.

Total KSh 70,000.00

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