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KSh 6,500.00
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KSh 33,000.00
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KSh 8,500.00
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KSh 24,500.00
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Height adjustable electric desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
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KSh 23,500.00
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office chair with adjustable lumbar support, orthopedic chair for ergonomic comfort, ergonomic chair for ergonomic comfort, orthopedic desk chair with ergonomic comfort, ergonomic desk chair with ergonomic comfort, orthopedic office seating with adjustable lumbar, ergonomic office seating with adjustable lumbar, orthopedic office seating for ergonomic health, ergonomic office seating for ergonomic health, orthopedic chair with ergonomic lumbar adjustment, ergonomic chair with ergonomic lumbar adjustment, orthopedic office chair with adjustable lumbar and headrest, ergonomic office chair with adjustable lumbar and headrest, orthopedic chair for ergonomic health, ergonomic chair for ergonomic health, orthopedic desk chair for spine support, ergonomic desk chair for spine support, orthopedic office seating with lumbar adjustment, ergonomic office seating with lumbar adjustment, orthopedic office chair with spine health, ergonomic office chair with spine health, orthopedic desk chair with adjustable lumbar and headrest, ergonomic desk chair with adjustable lumbar and headrest, orthopedic office chair with ergonomic comfort, ergonomic office chair with ergonomic comfort, orthopedic office seating for back support, ergonomic office seating for back support, orthopedic desk chair with ergonomic lumbar and headrest, ergonomic desk chair with ergonomic lumbar and headrest, orthopedic chair with ergonomic headrest and lumbar, ergonomic chair with ergonomic headrest and lumbar, orthopedic office chair with spine alignment, ergonomic office chair with spine alignment, orthopedic office chair with ergonomic lumbar and headrest, ergonomic office chair with ergonomic lumbar and headrest, orthopedic desk chair with ergonomic spine support, ergonomic desk chair with ergonomic spine support, orthopedic chair for ergonomic posture, ergonomic chair for ergonomic posture, orthopedic desk chair with lumbar and spine health, ergonomic desk chair with lumbar and spine health. Ergonomic orthopedic desk chair KSh 12,500.00
KSh 12,500.00

Cart totals

Subtotal KSh 140,500.00

Shipping to Nairobi County.

Total KSh 140,500.00

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Regards: OB Brian