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× Best sellers in office furniture designs, affordable imported office tables,1.4m Executive Office Desk 1.4m Executive Office Desk KSh 24,500.00
KSh 24,500.00
× Affordable office chairs, visitor chairs. Office Waiting Chair KSh 6,500.00
KSh 6,500.00
× Affordable reception desks in Kenya cheap reception desks in Kenya, 1.6m office reception desk,reception desk 1.6m Office Reception desk KSh 39,500.00
KSh 79,000.00
× 1.5 meters reception desk KSh 35,499.00
KSh 35,499.00
× office chairs, office cabinets, workstations, boardroom tables, visitor's seats Pure leather office waiting seat KSh 13,500.00
KSh 13,500.00
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and storage solutions, office filing cabinets and storage solutions, 4-drawer office storage systems and filing, office document filing solutions, 4-drawer vertical office filing systems, office storage cabinets with drawers and locks, 4-drawer office storage cabinets with lock solutions, office storage and filing cabinets with drawers, 4-drawer office document storage and filing solutions, office filing cabinets with lock systems, 4-drawer office filing and storage cabinets, office storage drawer units with lock, 4-drawer vertical office storage and filing systems, office document storage and organization solutions, 4-drawer office filing systems, office filing and storage cabinet solutions, 4-drawer vertical storage solutions for office, office storage and document filing solutions, 4-drawer office filing and storage systems, office storage cabinets with lock and drawers, 4-drawer office file organization and storage solutions, office document filing and storage, 4-drawer office storage cabinets and filing systems, office filing and storage solutions, 4-drawer office storage systems, office document storage solutions with drawers, 4-drawer vertical file storage for office, office filing and document storage systems, 4-drawer office storage cabinet with lock, office document storage and filing systems, 4-drawer office filing and storage, office storage cabinets and filing solutions, 4-drawer office storage and filing solutions, office filing cabinet solutions with lock, 4-drawer office document storage solutions, office filing and storage solutions with lock, 4-drawer office file organization systems, office storage cabinets with lock and drawers solutions, 4-drawer office storage systems with drawers, office filing and storage systems solutions, 4-drawer office document storage and filing solutions, office filing cabinet solutions with drawers, 4-drawer office storage solutions with lock, office document filing and storage systems solutions, 4-drawer vertical office storage solutions, office storage and filing cabinet systems, 4-drawer office file storage systems solutions, office filing and storage units solutions, 4-drawer office storage cabinet solutions, office document filing and storage solutions, 4-drawer office filing and storage cabinet systems, office storage units with drawers and locks solutions, 4-drawer office filing and storage systems solutions Office 4-drawers filling cabinet KSh 20,500.00
KSh 20,500.00
× affordable office chairs in Kenya, high-back seats,orthopedic office chairs Headrest Mesh Office Chair KSh 9,500.00
KSh 9,500.00
× 1.2m L shaped Executive office desk, executive office desks, office furniture 1.2m curved office desk KSh 12,500.00
KSh 12,500.00
× Office furniture, furniture shop, office desks, office chairs, office cabinets, workstations, safes, sofa, recaption benches Mahogany coat hanger KSh 9,500.00
KSh 9,500.00
× black 3 link Heavy duty padded bench, office furniture, office bench, waiting bench, visitor chair, office waiting bench, office chair, office seat ,black 3 link Heavy duty padded bench 3 link Heavy duty padded bench KSh 23,500.00
KSh 23,500.00
× chrome stackable visitor chairs chrome stackable visitor chairs KSh 4,500.00
KSh 4,500.00

Cart totals

Subtotal KSh 238,999.00

Shipping to Nairobi County.

Total KSh 238,999.00

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Regards: OB Brian