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height adjustable desk with customizable presets, electric height adjustable desk with programmable height settings, adjustable height electric standing desk with memory settings, motorized adjustable desk with customizable presets, height adjustable electric sit-stand desk with customizable settings, electric height adjustable desk with programmable height settings, electric sit-stand desk with customizable height settings, motorized height adjustable desk with customizable presets, electric desk with customizable presets, electric height adjustable standing desk with customizable presets, height adjustable electric sit-stand desk with programmable settings, electric height adjustable desk with programmable height settings, motorized adjustable desk with customizable height settings, electric sit-stand desk with customizable presets, height adjustable electric standing desk with customizable presets, electric height adjustable desk with customizable height settings, motorized height adjustable standing desk with programmable settings, electric adjustable standing desk with customizable height settings, height adjustable electric sit-stand desk with customizable height settings, electric desk with programmable presets, electric height adjustable standing desk with programmable height settings, motorized height adjustable desk with programmable presets, electric sit-stand desk with programmable height settings, electric height adjustable desk with programmable presets, electric adjustable standing desk with programmable height settings, electric height adjustable desk with customizable height settings, electric height adjustable standing desk with programmable presets, motorized height adjustable desk with programmable height settings, height adjustable electric sit-stand desk with customizable presets, electric sit-stand desk with programmable height settings. Standing electric adjustable desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
× Explore the widest range of Executive Office Table in Kenya. Choose what fits your preference based on price, color, style, design. 1.2 meters executive office desk KSh 20,500.00
KSh 20,500.00

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Subtotal KSh 52,500.00

Shipping to Nairobi County.

Total KSh 52,500.00

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Regards: OB Brian