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KSh 16,500.00
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KSh 9,500.00
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KSh 4,500.00
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KSh 48,500.00
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KSh 16,500.00
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desk with lift and programmable presets, height adjustable desk with electric motor and programmable settings, electric height adjustable desk for healthy work habits, height adjustable standing workstation with electric lift, motorized height adjustable desk with programmable settings, height adjustable desk for ergonomic productivity, electric desk for standing and sitting with memory settings, electric adjustable desk for ergonomic work habits, height adjustable desk for work productivity, motorized standing desk for home office productivity, adjustable height desk with electric motor and programmable presets, height adjustable desk with lift and programmable settings, electric height adjustable desk for sitting and standing at work, standing desk with electric motor and programmable presets, adjustable height desk for ergonomic work habits, electric height adjustable desk with memory and programmable presets, height adjustable desk with lift and programmable height settings, electric height adjustable desk for work and home office, standing desk with electric motor and programmable height settings, height adjustable standing desk for ergonomic productivity, electric adjustable standing desk with memory presets for office use, motorized height adjustable standing desk with programmable presets, adjustable height desk with electric motor for work productivity. Electric height adjustable standing desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
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adjustable riser, adjustable height electric standing desk frame, motorized height adjustable sit-stand desk, power height adjustable standing desk, height adjustable electric desk base, electric adjustable height workstation, height adjustable electric sit-stand desk frame, motorized desk riser, electric adjustable standing desk frame, motorized adjustable workstation, adjustable electric desk converter, height adjustable desk electric motor, electric desk riser frame, motorized height standing desk, adjustable electric workstation, electric desk system, height adjustable sit-stand workstation electric, motorized sit-stand riser, adjustable height desk with motorized lift, electric desk riser system, height adjustable desk with electric motor, power adjustable sit-stand desk, electric desk lift frame, adjustable desk electric motor, motorized standing desk converter, adjustable electric desk riser, electric height adjustable lift, motorized height adjustable standing desk, height adjustable electric table frame, power standing desk converter, motorized adjustable standing table, electric desk motor, adjustable height standing desk with motor, electric desk converter frame, motorized desk lift, adjustable electric sit-stand workstation, electric height adjustable system, motorized height adjustable sit-stand workstation, electric height adjustable desk motor, adjustable desk lift electric, adjustable height desk with electric motor, electric desk frame system, motorized adjustable standing desk frame, height adjustable electric standing workstation, motorized sit-stand lift, electric sit-stand system, adjustable desk system electric, power desk riser, adjustable height desk riser electric, motorized standing desk system, height adjustable desk lift electric, adjustable desk lift motorized, electric height adjustable desk lift, motorized desk converter, electric height adjustable sit-stand riser, adjustable height electric sit-stand table, motorized standing desk riser, height adjustable desk system electric, power sit-stand workstation, motorized desk lift system, height adjustable workstation electric motor, adjustable electric standing desk riser, electric height adjustable desk converter, motorized sit-stand desk lift, adjustable height desk system electric, electric desk lift system frame, motorized desk height adjustable, adjustable height standing workstation electric, motorized standing workstation frame Height Adjustable Desk Electric KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
× CaptainMeshChair, ErgonomicSeating, OfficeFurniture, MeshBackChair, ComfortableDesign, ExecutiveOfficeChair, WorkInComfort, CaptainErgoChair, AdjustableArmrests, LumbarSupport, HighBackChair, BreathableMesh, ProfessionalSeating, TaskChair, ModernDesign, ProductiveWorkspace, ExecutiveComfort, OfficeEssentials, CaptainSeriesChair, WorkspaceUpgrade, ErgoFriendly, PremiumOfficeChair, MeshBackSupport, CaptainCollectionChair, CorporateFurniture, ContemporaryOffice, OfficeStyle, TaskSeating, ErgonomicSolution, CaptainSeriesOfficeChair, ExecutiveStyle, MeshOfficeChair, WorkstationComfort, CaptainErgonomicChair, BusinessInteriors, ModernOffice, OfficeUpgrade, ErgonomicSupport, CaptainMeshSeries, TaskForceChair, CaptainChairDesign, ComfortableOfficeSeating, CaptainErgonomicSeries, OfficeDecor, CaptainComfortChair, AdjustableChair, CaptainMeshErgoChair, ExecutiveChair, StylishOfficeChair, CaptainModelChair, ProfessionalDesign, CaptainMeshDesign, OfficeComfort, TaskForceSeating, CaptainEleganceChair, PremiumMeshChair, CaptainSeriesDesign, ErgonomicCaptainChair, CaptainMeshElegance, OfficeChic, CaptainComfortSeries, ExecutiveSeating, CaptainMeshLuxury, MeshChairDesign, CaptainErgonomicLuxury, CaptainChairAesthetics, CaptainOfficeStyle, CaptainProductivityChair, ModernCaptainChair, ErgoCaptainChair, CaptainMeshExecutive, CaptainOfficeComfort, StylishCaptainChair, CaptainErgonomicDesign, ExecutiveMeshChair, CaptainErgonomicComfort, MeshBackElegance, CaptainTaskForceChair, CaptainProfessionalSeries, CaptainWorkspaceComfort, CaptainMeshOfficeFurniture, ExecutiveMeshComfort, CaptainCorporateChair, TaskForceErgonomics, CaptainErgonomicUpgrade, CaptainMeshTaskChair, CaptainProfessionalComfort, OfficeCaptainChair, ErgonomicCaptainSeries, CaptainMeshWorkspace, PremiumCaptainChair, CaptainLuxuryDesign. Captain mesh ergonomic office chair KSh 10,500.00
KSh 10,500.00
× Best sellers in office furniture designs, affordable imported office tables 1.4m executive office desk KSh 22,500.00
KSh 22,500.00

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Subtotal KSh 192,500.00

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Total KSh 192,500.00

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Regards: OB Brian