Contact Sales -0759966017


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× curved office reception desk, 1.4 meters reception desk, office reception desk, curved reception desk, 1.4m reception desk, reception desk, modern reception desk, curved office desk, 1.4 meter reception desk, reception counter, curved reception counter, office front desk, 1.4m office reception desk, curved front desk, reception desk with storage, 1.4m reception counter, curved office counter, office reception furniture, 1.4m curved desk, reception desk for office, curved desk for reception, 1.4 meter office desk, curved reception area desk, 1.4m curved reception desk, office reception station, curved office furniture, reception desk with drawers, 1.4 meter office reception, curved front office desk, modern curved reception desk, 1.4m front desk, office welcome desk, curved welcome desk, 1.4m curved office counter, reception desk for lobby, curved office table, 1.4m reception table, office reception area desk, curved reception desk with storage, 1.4 meter reception counter, curved office desk with drawers, 1.4m reception furniture, curved lobby desk, 1.4m office front desk, office desk for reception, curved office reception counter, 1.4m desk for reception, reception desk with shelves, 1.4 meter front desk, curved reception workstation, 1.4m office desk, modern office reception desk, curved office furniture for reception, 1.4m reception desk with drawers, office front counter, curved reception desk with drawers, 1.4 meter curved reception desk, reception area desk, curved desk for office reception, 1.4m office reception furniture, office desk with storage, 1.4m modern reception desk, curved desk for lobby, office reception desk with drawers, 1.4 meter curved desk, curved desk with storage, 1.4m desk for office reception, reception desk for office lobby, 1.4m curved office furniture, modern office front desk, 1.4m reception desk with storage, curved lobby desk with drawers, 1.4 meter office counter, office reception desk with shelves, curved desk for front office, 1.4m desk with drawers, reception furniture, 1.4 meter office reception desk, office lobby desk, 1.4m reception counter with drawers, curved desk for reception area, 1.4 meter office reception counter, reception counter with storage, 1.4m front office desk, modern reception counter, curved office reception furniture, 1.4m reception desk with shelves, office desk with drawers, 1.4 meter front office desk, curved reception desk with shelves, 1.4m desk for lobby, reception desk for office front, 1.4 meter desk with drawers, curved office counter with storage, 1.4m reception area furniture, modern front desk, 1.4 meter reception desk with drawers, office reception desk with storage, 1.4m curved reception furniture, curved lobby counter, 1.4 meter office desk for reception, office front desk with drawers, 1.4m desk with storage, reception desk for office area, 1.4 meter curved office desk, curved reception station, 1.4m office counter, modern office desk for reception, 1.4m reception desk with drawers and shelves, office front desk with storage, curved reception furniture, 1.4 meter office reception furniture, curved front desk for office, 1.4m office reception desk with drawers, reception area counter, 1.4 meter desk for office reception, curved front counter, 1.4m reception furniture with storage, office lobby furniture, 1.4 meter curved front desk, office desk for lobby, 1.4m reception desk with storage and drawers, modern office reception counter, 1.4 meter office front desk, curved desk for office front, 1.4m office desk with drawers, reception desk with storage and shelves, 1.4 meter reception desk with storage, curved office desk with storage, 1.4m front desk for office, reception counter with drawers, 1.4 meter reception desk with shelves, office front desk with shelves, 1.4m office reception counter with drawers, modern office front counter, 1.4 meter reception furniture, office desk with storage and drawers, 1.4m office reception desk with storage, curved reception counter with storage, 1.4 meter curved reception counter, office desk for reception area, 1.4m front office furniture, reception desk with storage drawers, 1.4 meter office desk with storage, curved desk for front office reception, 1.4m office reception desk with shelves, office desk with shelves and storage, 1.4 meter reception desk with drawers and shelves, modern office lobby desk, 1.4m reception desk for office lobby, curved front office furniture, 1.4 meter office reception desk with drawers, curved reception furniture with storage, 1.4m front desk for lobby, reception desk with drawers and shelves, 1.4 meter desk for office front, curved office desk for reception area, 1.4m office front desk with drawers, reception counter with storage and drawers, 1.4 meter reception furniture with storage, office desk with drawers and shelves, 1.4m modern reception furniture, curved reception desk for office lobby, 1.4 meter reception desk with storage drawers, curved office front desk with storage, 1.4m office reception counter with storage, modern reception desk with storage, 1.4 meter office front counter, office desk for front reception, 1.4m reception counter with storage drawers, curved front desk with storage, 1.4 meter desk with storage drawers, office reception desk with storage drawers, 1.4m office desk with storage and drawers, reception counter with storage shelves, 1.4 meter reception area desk, curved office furniture for reception area, 1.4m reception desk with storage and shelves, office front desk with storage drawers, 1.4 meter reception counter with storage, curved office reception desk with drawers and shelves, 1.4m office desk for front reception, modern office reception desk with storage, 1.4 meter reception furniture with drawers, office desk for front office reception, 1.4m reception area desk with drawers, curved reception counter with drawers and shelves, 1.4 meter desk for reception area, office front desk with storage and drawers, 1.4m office front counter with storage, reception desk with storage and drawers, 1.4 meter office reception counter with storage, curved front desk for lobby, 1.4m office reception desk with drawers and storage, reception desk with drawers and storage shelves, 1.4 meter curved office furniture, office front desk with storage and shelves, 1.4m desk for reception office, curved reception furniture with drawers, 1.4 meter reception area furniture with storage, modern office desk for front reception, 1.4m front office reception desk with storage, office reception counter with storage and drawers, 1.4 meter curved reception desk with storage, office reception desk with storage shelves, 1.4m reception area desk with storage drawers, curved office desk with drawers and storage, 1.4 meter reception counter with drawers and storage, office front desk for reception area, 1.4m reception desk with storage shelves, modern front office reception desk, 1.4 meter reception desk for office area, office reception furniture with drawers and storage, 1.4m office reception desk with storage shelves, curved reception desk with storage drawers, 1.4 meter office reception furniture with drawers, office front counter with storage and drawers, 1.4m front reception desk with storage drawers, reception desk with storage and drawers shelves, 1.4 meter curved office reception desk, office reception counter with storage shelves, 1.4m office reception furniture with storage, reception area desk with storage drawers, 1.4 meter office front desk with drawers and storage, curved reception counter with storage shelves, 1.4m office front desk with storage drawers, reception desk with drawers shelves and storage, 1.4 meter office reception counter with storage shelves, modern office reception desk with drawers and storage, 1.4m front desk for office reception area, office reception counter with drawers and storage shelves, 1.4 meter reception desk with drawers storage and shelves. Curved office reception desk - 1.4 meters KSh 38,500.00
KSh 38,500.00
× 1.6MExecutiveDesk, RedMahoganyDesk, OfficeFurniture, ExecutiveOfficeWorkspace, PremiumDesk, WorkspaceEssentials, ModernOfficeDesign, BusinessInteriors, ExecutiveStyle, RedMahoganyFurniture, ContemporaryWorkspace, PremiumOfficeDesk, OfficeFurnishings, EfficientWorkspace, ProfessionalDesk, StylishOfficeFurniture, ExecutiveWorkspace, CompactOfficeDesk, OfficeDecor, BusinessElegance, RedMahoganyClassDesk, OfficeUpgrade, ElegantDesign, ExecutiveDeskSolution, WorkspacePerfection, PremiumOfficeFurniture, ExecutiveAesthetics, OfficeChic, SleekDesign, ExecutiveWorkspaceDesign, ModernExecutiveDesk, ExecutiveLuxuryDesk, CompactDesign, ExecutiveOfficeStyle, OfficeElegance, ContemporaryDesign, PremiumWorkspace, ExecutiveProfessionalDesk, ExecutiveCharm, ExecutivePresenceDesk, OfficeStyle, ExecutiveWorkspaceUpgrade, BusinessChic, ExecutiveWorkspaceStyle, ExecutiveOfficePerfection, ElegantOfficeFurniture, ExecutiveWorkspaceElegance, ExecutiveChicDesign, ContemporaryOffice, ExecutiveEleganceDesk, ExecutiveComfortWorkspace, ExecutiveLoungeDesign, OfficeAesthetics, HighEndExecutiveDesk, PremiumWorkspaceDesign, ExecutiveOfficeUpgrade, StylishExecutiveDesk, ExecutivePerfectionDesk, ExecutiveWorkspaceStatement, OfficeCharm, ExecutiveLuxuryDesign, StylishWorkspace, ExecutiveComfortDesign, ExecutiveWorkspaceLuxury, ExecutiveModernDesign, ExecutiveWorkspaceUpgrade, BusinessPresenceDesk, ExecutiveEleganceDesign, WorkspaceChic, ExecutiveWorkspaceLuxury, ExecutiveDesignDesk, OfficeWorkspacePerfection, WorkspaceCharm, ExecutiveStatementDesk, WorkspaceLuxury, ExecutiveWorkspaceDesign, PremiumWorkspaceDesign, RedMahoganyOfficeDesk, RedMahoganyExecutiveFurniture, ExecutiveRedMahoganyDesk, RedMahoganyWorkspace, RedMahoganyPremiumDesk, ExecutiveWorkspaceRedMahogany. 1.6 meters red-mahogany executive desk KSh 40,000.00
KSh 40,000.00
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KSh 23,500.00

Cart totals

Subtotal KSh 102,000.00

Shipping to Nairobi County.

Total KSh 102,000.00

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Regards: OB Brian