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× Adjustable electric table, height adjustable electric desk, electric sit-stand desk, electric standing desk, motorized height adjustable desk, adjustable electric desk, electric height adjustable table, electric height adjustable workstation, electric lift desk, electric adjustable desk, motorized standing desk, electric sit-stand workstation, electric height adjustable sit-stand desk, adjustable electric work table, electric adjustable standing desk, electric motorized desk, motorized adjustable desk, electric adjustable sit-stand workstation, electric adjustable height desk, electric adjustable office desk, electric desk with memory presets, adjustable electric computer desk, electric height adjustable office desk, electric height adjustable standing table, electric adjustable height standing desk, electric sit-stand table, electric height adjustable workstation desk, motorized height adjustable table, adjustable electric standing desk, electric lift table, adjustable electric 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adjustable standing height work station desk, adjustable electric sit-stand height desk work table, motorized height adjustable standing height desk work table, electric height adjustable standing height desk work table, adjustable electric sit-stand height work table, motorized height adjustable standing height work table, electric height adjustable standing height work table, adjustable electric sit-stand height desk, motorized height adjustable standing height desk, electric height adjustable standing height desk, adjustable electric sit-stand height table, motorized height adjustable standing height table, electric height adjustable standing height table, adjustable electric sit-stand desk, motorized height adjustable standing desk, electric height adjustable standing desk, adjustable electric sit-stand table, motorized height adjustable standing table, electric height adjustable standing table. Electric Height Adjustable Desk 120 * 60cm KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
× Adjustable electric standing desk, standing desk, electric desk, height adjustable desk, adjustable desk, electric standing workstation, height adjustable standing desk, electric sit-stand desk, adjustable standing desk, electric stand up desk, height adjustable desk converter, motorized standing desk, electric standing office desk, adjustable sit-stand desk, electric stand up workstation, height adjustable standing workstation, ergonomic standing desk, adjustable height desk, electric sit stand desk, adjustable height standing desk, electric standing computer desk, height adjustable sit stand desk, sit stand desk converter, motorized sit stand desk, electric stand up workstation desk, height adjustable sit stand workstation, ergonomic height adjustable desk, adjustable height standing workstation, electric stand up desk converter, height adjustable electric standing desk, motorized adjustable standing desk, electric height adjustable desk, height adjustable electric desk, motorized adjustable height desk, electric sit-stand standing desk, height adjustable sit-stand desk, electric standing desk converter, motorized height adjustable desk, electric sit-stand workstation, height adjustable standing desk converter, electric adjustable height standing desk, adjustable height electric standing desk, electric adjustable height desk, adjustable electric height desk, electric standing desk converter with memory, height adjustable electric standing workstation, electric standing desk with memory presets, height adjustable electric standing desk frame, electric adjustable height standing workstation, adjustable height electric standing workstation, electric standing desk frame, height adjustable electric standing desk converter, motorized adjustable height standing desk frame, electric standing desk frame only, height adjustable electric standing desk frame only, electric height adjustable standing desk frame, adjustable height electric standing desk frame, electric standing desk legs, height adjustable electric standing desk legs, electric adjustable height standing desk legs, adjustable height electric standing desk legs, electric standing desk base, height adjustable electric standing desk base, electric adjustable height standing desk base, adjustable height electric standing desk base, electric standing desk motor, height adjustable electric standing desk motor, electric adjustable height standing desk motor, adjustable height electric standing desk motor, electric standing desk controller, height adjustable electric standing desk controller, electric adjustable height standing desk controller, adjustable height electric standing desk controller, electric standing desk mechanism, height adjustable electric standing desk mechanism, electric adjustable height standing desk mechanism, adjustable height electric standing desk mechanism, electric standing desk frame kit, height adjustable electric standing desk frame kit, electric adjustable height standing desk frame kit, adjustable height electric standing desk frame kit, electric standing desk frame parts, height adjustable electric standing desk frame parts, electric adjustable height standing desk frame parts, adjustable height electric standing desk frame parts, electric standing desk frame only, height adjustable electric standing desk frame only, electric adjustable height standing desk frame only, adjustable height electric standing desk frame only, electric standing desk legs only, height adjustable electric standing desk legs only, electric adjustable height standing desk legs only, adjustable height electric standing desk legs only, electric standing desk base only, height adjustable electric standing desk base only, electric adjustable height standing desk base only, adjustable height electric standing desk base only, electric standing desk motor only, height adjustable electric standing desk motor only, electric adjustable height standing desk motor only, adjustable height electric standing desk motor only, electric standing desk controller only, height adjustable electric standing desk controller only, electric adjustable height standing desk controller only, adjustable height electric standing desk controller only, electric standing desk mechanism only, height adjustable electric standing desk mechanism only, electric adjustable height standing desk mechanism only, adjustable height electric standing desk mechanism only, electric standing desk frame kit only, height adjustable electric standing desk frame kit only, electric adjustable height standing desk frame kit only, adjustable height electric standing desk frame kit only, electric standing desk frame parts only, height adjustable electric standing desk frame parts only, electric adjustable height standing desk frame parts only, adjustable height electric standing desk frame parts only. Adjustable Electric Standing Desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00

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Subtotal KSh 64,000.00

Shipping to Nairobi County.

Total KSh 64,000.00

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Regards: OB Brian