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× Office Furniture L Shape Front Office Desk Design with Side Cabinet with Drawer Wooden Classic China Modern Work Office Desk 1.4m executive office desk KSh 34,500.00
KSh 34,500.00
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KSh 55,000.00
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electric adjustable desk base, motorized adjustable height desk riser, height adjustable electric stand desk, electric motorized desk, adjustable electric desk base, height adjustable electric desk riser, sit and stand electric desk, electric sit to stand workstation, motorized stand up desk riser, electric adjustable standing desk frame, height adjustable electric desk stand, sit to stand electric desk, motorized desk lift system, adjustable electric desk riser, sit-stand desk motorized, electric height adjustable standing desk frame, motorized sit to stand desk, height adjustable motorized desk riser, electric desk lift riser, motorized sit stand desk frame, electric sit stand desk frame, adjustable height electric sit stand desk, electric height adjustable stand up desk frame, electric motor height adjustable desk, motorized height adjustable sit stand desk, adjustable sit stand desk motorized, sit stand electric adjustable desk frame, motorized desk height adjustable, adjustable 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Standing Electric Adjustable Desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00

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Subtotal KSh 121,500.00

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Total KSh 121,500.00

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Regards: OB Brian