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Curved office reception desk - 1.4 meters KSh 38,500.00
KSh 77,000.00
× affordable office workstation in Kenya, office desks Two-way modular office workstation KSh 60,000.00
KSh 120,000.00
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for waiting areas, heavy-duty office seating solution for office reception, commercial reception seating solution for office waiting areas, durable reception seating solution for reception areas, heavy-duty seating solution for reception rooms, commercial seating solution for office waiting areas, durable seating solution for office reception rooms, office seating solution for reception areas, heavy-duty reception seating solution for waiting rooms, sturdy seating solution for office waiting areas, commercial seating solution for reception areas, durable seating solution for waiting areas, heavy-duty office seating solution for office reception rooms, commercial reception seating solution for waiting rooms, heavy-duty reception seating solution for office reception rooms, durable reception seating solution for waiting areas, heavy-duty office seating solution for reception areas, commercial office seating solution for waiting areas, durable seating solution for reception rooms, heavy-duty seating solution for office reception areas, commercial reception seating solution for office reception rooms, durable seating solution for office waiting rooms, heavy-duty office seating solution for waiting rooms, commercial seating solution for office waiting rooms, durable reception seating solution for reception rooms, heavy-duty seating solution for waiting areas, commercial seating solution for office reception rooms, durable office seating solution for waiting rooms, heavy-duty reception seating solution for office reception areas, sturdy seating solution for office reception rooms, heavy-duty seating solution for office waiting areas, commercial reception seating solution for office reception areas, durable seating solution for office reception rooms, Reception heavy-duty office bench KSh 23,500.00
KSh 23,500.00
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KSh 16,500.00
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Home Study Desk 90cm x 58cm KSh 7,500.00
KSh 7,500.00
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Adjustable Leather Counter Barstools KSh 9,500.00
KSh 28,500.00
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KSh 41,000.00

Cart totals

Subtotal KSh 314,000.00

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Total KSh 314,000.00

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Regards: OB Brian