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× 1400mm Executive Office Desk, Executive Office Desk, Office Desk, Executive Desk, Office Furniture, Desk, Executive Furniture, Office Table, Executive Table, Workstation, Executive Workstation, Office Workspace, Executive Workspace, Office Furniture Solution, Executive Furniture Solution, Office Furniture Design, Executive Furniture Design, Office Decor, Executive Decor, Office Organization, Executive Organization, Office Efficiency, Executive Efficiency, Office Productivity, Executive Productivity, Office Interior, Executive Interior, Office Layout, Executive Layout, Office Design, Executive Design, Office Setup, Executive Setup, Office Arrangement, Executive Arrangement, Office Workstation Design, Executive Workstation Design, Office Workstation Setup, Executive Workstation Setup, Office Desk Design, Executive Desk Design, Office Desk Setup, Executive Desk Setup, Office Desk Arrangement, Executive Desk Arrangement, Office Desk Organization, Executive Desk Organization, Office Desk Efficiency, Executive Desk Efficiency, Office Desk Productivity, Executive Desk Productivity, Office Table Design, Executive Table Design, Office Table Setup, Executive Table Setup, Office Table Arrangement, Executive Table Arrangement, Office Table Organization, Executive Table Organization, Office Table Efficiency, Executive Table Efficiency, Office Table Productivity, Executive Table Productivity, Office Furniture Layout, Executive Furniture Layout, Office Furniture Arrangement, Executive Furniture Arrangement, Office Furniture Organization, Executive Furniture Organization, Office Furniture Efficiency, Executive Furniture Efficiency, Office Furniture Productivity, Executive Furniture Productivity, Office Furniture Decor, Executive Furniture Decor, Office Furniture Interior, Executive Furniture Interior, Executive Office Equipment, Office Desk Solution, Executive Desk Solution, Office Table Solution, Executive Table Solution, Executive Office Equipment, Office Desk Solution, Executive Desk Solution, Office Table Solution, Executive Table Solution, Office Furniture Solution, Executive Furniture Solution, Office Desk Solution, Executive Desk Solution, Office Table Solution, Executive Table Solution. 1400mm Executive Office Desk KSh 24,500.00
KSh 24,500.00
× 1400mm executive office desk, modern executive desk, sleek office workstation, contemporary office furniture, spacious executive desk, ergonomic office desk, premium executive workstation, stylish office desk, durable executive desk, high-quality office furniture, executive desk with storage, executive desk with drawers, executive desk with filing cabinet, executive desk with cable management, executive desk with keyboard tray, executive desk with CPU storage, executive desk with adjustable height, executive desk with built-in power outlets, executive desk with USB ports, executive desk with conference extension, executive desk with return, executive desk with L-shaped design, executive desk with U-shaped design, executive desk with glass top, executive desk with metal legs, executive desk with wooden finish, executive desk with walnut finish, executive desk with cherry finish, executive desk with oak finish, executive desk with mahogany finish, executive desk with espresso finish, executive desk with white finish, executive desk with black finish, executive desk with gray finish, executive desk with minimalist design, executive desk with contemporary style, executive desk with industrial look, executive desk with clean lines, executive desk with modern aesthetic, executive desk with professional appearance, executive desk with elegant design, executive desk with classic touch, executive desk with executive chair, executive desk with ergonomic chair, executive desk with leather chair, executive desk with swivel chair, executive desk with high-back chair, executive desk with adjustable chair, executive desk with mesh chair, executive desk with fabric chair, executive desk with padded chair, executive desk with armrests, executive desk with lumbar support, executive desk with headrest, executive desk with comfortable chair, executive desk with executive accessories, executive desk with desktop organizer, executive desk with pen holder, executive desk with paper tray, executive desk with desk lamp, executive desk with office decor, executive desk with framed artwork, executive desk with potted plants, executive desk with inspirational quotes, executive desk with motivational posters, executive desk with task lighting, executive desk with ergonomic accessories, executive desk with footrest, executive desk with monitor stand, executive desk with cable organizer, executive desk with cable clips, executive desk with cable sleeve, executive desk with cable tray, executive desk with wire management, executive desk with privacy panel, executive desk with modesty panel, executive desk with adjustable legs, executive desk with leveling feet, executive desk with floor protectors, executive desk with scratch-resistant surface, executive desk with heat-resistant top, executive desk with stain-resistant finish, executive desk with water-resistant coating, executive desk with UV protection, executive desk with eco-friendly materials, executive desk with sustainable construction, executive desk with FSC-certified wood, executive desk with recycled content, executive desk with CARB-compliant materials, executive desk with Greenguard certification, executive desk with energy-efficient design, executive desk with space-saving features, executive desk with compact footprint, executive desk with minimalist footprint, executive desk with efficient layout, executive desk with ample storage, executive desk with integrated shelves, executive desk with bookcase, executive desk with hutch, executive desk with overhead storage, executive desk with open shelving, executive desk with closed storage, executive desk with lockable drawers, executive desk with secure storage, executive desk with filing solutions, executive desk with file drawers, executive desk with lateral file cabinet, executive desk with legal-size drawers, executive desk with letter-size drawers, executive desk with hanging file rails, executive desk with smooth-glide drawers, executive desk with soft-close mechanism, executive desk with ball-bearing slides, executive desk with sturdy construction, executive desk with commercial-grade materials, executive desk with long-lasting durability. 1400mm Executive Office Desk KSh 24,500.00
KSh 24,500.00
× 1.6 meters executive office table, executive office table, office table, executive table, 1.6 meters table, office furniture, executive furniture, office desk, executive desk, 1.6 meters desk, executive workstation, office workstation, executive office furniture, office furniture, executive office table, executive office desk, 1.6 meters executive desk, executive office workstation, office workstation, executive office furniture, office furniture, executive office table, executive office desk, 1.6 meters executive desk, executive office workstation, office workstation, executive office furniture, office furniture, executive office table, executive office desk, 1.6 meters executive desk, executive office workstation, office workstation, executive office furniture, office furniture, executive office table, executive office desk, 1.6 meters executive desk, executive office workstation, office workstation, executive office furniture, office furniture, executive office table, executive office desk, 1.6 meters executive desk, executive office workstation, office workstation, executive office furniture, office furniture, executive office table, executive office desk, 1.6 meters executive desk, executive office workstation, office workstation. 1.6 meters executive office table KSh 40,000.00
KSh 40,000.00
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workforce, office personnel, office employees, office workers, office colleagues, office associates, office co-workers, office peers, office counterparts, office compatriots, office allies, office confidants, office friends, office companions, office mates, office buddies, office pals, office chums, office acquaintances, office connections, office contacts, office relations, office relations, office acquaintances, office relationships, office partnerships, office collaborations, office cooperation's, office alliances, 1400mm Executive Office Desk KSh 24,500.00
KSh 24,500.00
× 3 Link padded office waiting bench, office waiting bench, black waiting bench, office furniture,black visitors bench 3 Link padded office waiting bench KSh 16,500.00
KSh 16,500.00
× office furniture Home/ Office tier-Book shelf KSh 10,500.00
KSh 10,500.00
× Discover the widest range of office chairs in Kenya that meet superior quality and affordable prices. We have various designs, colors, functionalities. Pure leather office seat KSh 18,500.00
KSh 18,500.00
× Affordable reception desks in Kenya cheap reception desks in Kenya, 1.6m office reception desk,reception desk 1.6m Office Reception desk KSh 39,500.00
KSh 39,500.00
× 1.8m executive office desk, executive desk, office desk, 1.8m desk, executive office furniture, office furniture, desk, executive table, office table, 1.8m office desk, executive workstation, office workstation, executive office table, executive office desk with drawers, executive office desk with storage, executive office desk with shelves, executive office desk with cabinet, executive office desk with hutch, executive office desk with credenza, executive office desk with return, executive office desk with pedestal, executive office desk with file drawer, executive office desk with keyboard tray, executive office desk with cable management, executive office desk with power outlets, executive office desk with USB ports, executive office desk with wireless charging, executive office desk with glass top, executive office desk with metal legs, executive office desk with wooden legs, executive office desk with laminate finish, executive office desk with veneer finish, executive office desk with contemporary design, executive office desk with modern design, executive office desk with traditional design, executive office desk with minimalist design, executive office desk with industrial design, executive office desk with rustic design, executive office desk with vintage design, executive office desk with mid-century design, executive office desk with Scandinavian design, executive office desk with ergonomic features, executive office desk with height adjustable, executive office desk with electric lift, executive office desk with pneumatic lift, executive office desk with manual lift, executive office desk with adjustable legs, executive office desk with leveling feet, executive office desk with wheels, executive office desk with casters, executive office desk with lockable drawers, executive office desk with lockable storage, executive office desk with key lock, executive office desk with combination lock, executive office desk with RFID lock, executive office desk with biometric lock. 1.8m Executive Office Desk KSh 48,000.00
KSh 48,000.00
× 1800mm executive office desk, executive office desk, office desk, workstation, workspace, executive desk, premium desk, luxury desk, modern desk, contemporary desk, ergonomic desk, adjustable desk, professional desk, stylish desk, functional desk, versatile desk, high-quality desk, durable desk, reliable desk, sleek desk, spacious desk, compact desk, office furniture, executive furniture, executive office furniture, executive workstation, executive workspace, executive desk solution, executive desk design, executive desk decor, executive desk setup, executive desk essentials, executive desk arrangement, executive desk layout, executive desk organization, executive desk productivity, executive desk efficiency, executive desk ergonomics, executive desk comfort, executive desk professionalism, executive desk sophistication, executive desk style, executive desk functionality, executive desk usability, executive desk convenience, executive desk aesthetics, executive desk elegance, executive desk refinement, executive desk innovation, executive desk inspiration, executive desk quality, executive desk craftsmanship, executive desk construction, executive desk materials, executive desk finish, executive desk polish, executive desk durability, executive desk reliability, executive desk performance, executive desk versatility, executive desk flexibility, executive desk utility, executive desk adaptability, executive desk resilience, executive desk strength, executive desk sturdiness, executive desk longevity, executive desk sustainability, executive desk comfort, executive desk ambiance, executive desk prestige, executive desk status, executive desk image, executive desk reputation, executive desk identity, executive desk recognition, executive desk authority, executive desk leadership, executive desk dominance, executive desk power, executive desk influence, executive desk impact, executive desk impression, executive desk distinction, executive desk exclusivity, executive desk elegance, executive desk refinement, executive desk luxury, executive desk opulence, executive desk grandeur, executive desk class, executive desk sophistication, executive desk style, executive desk fashion, executive desk chic, executive desk trendiness, executive desk flair, executive desk finesse, executive desk grace, executive desk charm, executive desk allure, executive desk charisma, executive desk magnetism, executive desk appeal, executive desk attraction, executive desk desirability, executive desk admiration, executive desk appreciation, executive desk affection, executive desk fondness, executive desk attachment, executive desk loyalty, executive desk devotion, executive desk commitment, executive desk dedication, executive desk trust, executive desk confidence, executive desk assurance, executive desk reliance, executive desk credibility, executive desk trustworthiness, executive desk integrity, executive desk honesty, executive desk transparency, executive desk openness, executive desk accountability, executive desk responsibility, executive desk commitment, executive desk diligence, executive desk perseverance, executive desk determination, executive desk ambition, executive desk drive, executive desk passion, executive desk enthusiasm, executive desk energy, executive desk motivation, executive desk inspiration, executive desk aspiration, executive desk vision, executive desk goal, executive desk objective, executive desk purpose. 1800mm Executive Office Desk KSh 48,000.00
KSh 48,000.00
× storage cabinets, 2-door office filling cabinets, cabinets with safe,2-Door Metallic Filling Cabinet 2-Door Metallic Filling Cabinet KSh 26,500.00
KSh 26,500.00
× Best sellers in office furniture, digital fireproof safes, four drawers fireproof cabinets 50Kgs digital fireproof safe KSh 34,500.00
KSh 34,500.00
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electric standing sit stand office standing office desk, electric height adjustable sit stand office standing office workstation, electric standing sit stand office standing office workstation. Adjustable height electric desk KSh 32,000.00
KSh 32,000.00
× affordable office seats in Kenya for sale, secretarial mesh office chair, cheap office chairs in Kenya, office furniture, mesh office chair with swivel Clerical Mesh Office Chair KSh 6,500.00
KSh 6,500.00
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KSh 23,500.00
× 1200mm executive office desk, executive desk with 1200mm width, premium executive workstation, modern office furniture, sleek executive desk, contemporary office setup, ergonomic executive table, high-quality office desk, spacious executive workspace, executive office solution, stylish executive furniture, luxury executive desk, executive workstation with storage, versatile executive desk, durable office furniture, executive office decor, ergonomic office desk, executive office design, executive office essentials, executive office gear, executive office accessory, executive office equipment, executive office innovation, executive office must-have, executive office decor solution, executive office gear, executive office supplies, executive office furniture solution, executive office seating, executive office comfort, executive office must-have, executive office gear, executive office supplies, executive office furniture solution, executive office seating, executive office comfort, executive office must-have, executive office gear, executive office supplies, executive office furniture solution, executive office seating, executive office comfort, executive office must-have, executive office gear, executive office supplies, executive office furniture solution, executive office seating, executive office comfort, executive office must-have, executive office gear, executive office supplies, executive office furniture solution, executive office seating, executive office comfort, executive office must-have, executive office gear, executive office supplies, executive office furniture solution, executive office seating, executive office comfort. 1200mm Executive Office Desk KSh 20,500.00
KSh 20,500.00
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KSh 6,500.00

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Subtotal KSh 444,500.00

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Total KSh 444,500.00

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Regards: OB Brian